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Skirt Seal


Type:HSS02SKIRT SEALSkirt sealing device made of ethyl carbamate can be classified into two series of comma-type

    Detailed description

Skirt sealing device made of ethyl carbamate can be classified into two series of comma-type and
maze-type, applicable for the improvement of material leakage at the discharge & impact areas. The
effect will be better if it is used in coordination with an impact cradle.

>>Numbering rules for skirt seal

Product name Type Weight kg/m
comma-type sealing HSS02-0125(PUX) 2.8
maze-type sealing HSS10-0200(PUX) 4.2
Note:the length of seal plate and skirt clamping assembly can be manufactured
according to customer’s requirements.

>>Product Assembly Digram

发电机厂家| 智慧路灯| 合成泡沫灭火剂| 智能路灯| 扬州哪家古琴好| 苏州三光线切割| 印刷厂废气处理| vocs处理技术| 插入式流量计厂家| 袋式除尘器| 上海自动化仪表四厂| 上海自动化仪表三厂| 上海自动化仪表股份有限公司| LED路灯厂家| 钢管收口机| 电液推杆| 太阳能路灯价格| 路灯| 太阳能路灯| 电动执行器| 高杆灯| 高杆灯厂家| 康明斯发电机| 发电机组| 太阳能路灯厂家| 柴油发电机组厂家| 发电机组厂家|


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